Happy 18 Months, Cameron!!

Mr. Cameron, how are you 18 months already?!?!?! Time is flying by and soon you will be a big brother. Oh my goodness! He is such a sweet boy. I remember around the end of April you started to say your name...except you think your name is GWENYA for whatever reason, haha! So silly! 

Oh and random Bianca fact before I forget: On mother's day she had her first piece of bubble gum...and then swallowed it LOL.

Enough with Bianca and back to our sweet Cameron! You love mommy and daddy so much. A sweet memory we have of you was our last day at the beach in May. You were standing by the water with me and you held onto my leg and just watched the waves with me. So precious!

You're also really funny. Whenever I pick you up, you start patting my back, like how I pat yours, hahahaha. Thanks, buddy!

So today to celebrate your 18 month birthday, we took you to get your pictures taken...and you hated it. I don't blame you, we got a lady who smelled like smoke, yuck. But we got our shot so yay! Thanks for letting us torture you. 

Bianca had the awesome idea (thanks to Doc McStuffins) to make some star shaped cookies, and we did that on your birthday for you, yummy! You loved your oatmeal cookies!

Then we went to the library and watched a magician perform! Bianca got scared, but you enjoyed it. We looked around in the library a bit before heading home. You had some fun though.

We are so thankful that you are our little boy, Cameron!!!! Never ever forget that! Happy half birthday, bud stud!!!

Ice Ice Cream Festival Baby!

It feels so surreal that we're here in Jenks forever now. No more cockroaches. lol. Thank goodness! We are dedicating the next few weeks to spending time together, finishing unpacking, fixing up the yard, and decorating. On Saturday, Blue Bell ice cream was having an ice cream festival at their plant in Broken Arrow, so we ventured up there.    It was crowded! But it was fun. We gorged ourselves on free ice cream. There were no different or weird flavors, but hey, it's the best ice cream around, so it was really good. And free. (well you pay to get in, but you get all the free ice cream you want. Yay for sugar overload!). Bianca made a friend and played with the sidewalk chalk they had out there. She wrote an H all by herself too! Go Bianca!!!!!! There was a playground there too, so we let the kids run around on that for a while to burn off all the sugar. It was pretty fun overall. 

That night we went to Lowes to get lawn stuff to kill the weeds out there!

Sunday was church and we went to the park in the afternoon. So nice to hang out as a family again!

Walking In The Jungle...Bianca's Theatre Camp Number 2!

This week was Bianca's second week at camp. I automatically just walked the kids to the church that morning, and I was correct in thinking that it was there. This weeks theme was Jungle Animals, which I thought she'd really like. It seems like the girls running it this week really knew what they were doing and Bianca had SUCH an awesome time this week, but I am getting a head of myself. 

Monday was her first day. They played games, decorated a mat to sit on, and actually started rehearsing for their showcase on Friday. They also did a really fun craft that wasn't just coloring a picture. One of the girls in her other class was there again. Cam and I went grocery shopping, how fun. That night, Bobby got off early *gasp*. So we went out and got some cupcakes. They weren't that great, but it was just so nice to get out. :)

On Tuesday, we dropped little girl off at camp, and Cam and I went to the old park we used to go to that we lived near. The one with the big and little playground. We started at the little one, but Cam wandered over to the big one. We saw an old lady and her nurse taking a walk and she said how cute Cameron was. Of course he is! <3 He liked the big playground better I think and loved climbing all over it. We got sissy at noon and just hung out. Bianca loves jumping on the mattress we put on the floor. The playroom/computer room is her own personal trampoline now, haha!

Wednesday was camp. She loves this camp so much! She talks about the animal of the day and plays with her craft. So fun! She had ballet today too. I gave her a little nap so she wouldn't be so exhausted, which made her a little cranky, but she was just fine.

Thursday was a dress up day at camp! Good thing she randomly took her blue cat ears with her to OKC this week. We made her be a "panther" with her ears, her shirt that kinda looks like a giraffe, and I used my makeup to draw whiskers on her face. She LOVED it!!! I had to keep reapplying it for her when she got home because she wanted to stay a panther and show daddy! That's my girl! Cameron and I had fun at home while she was at camp. We played Frozen and sang and danced to the songs and then snuggled on the bed, which is Cameron's current favorite thing to do! Bobby had a thing at his school tonight, so no dinner with us tonight. :( So I made  a creamy mac and cheese (he likes more of an eggy casserole type mac and cheese, I like it creamy) and snuck carrots in there, muh hahaha!

 Friday was Bianca's big day!! We were so excited for her performance! I did the same thing I did before and drove around until Cameron fell asleep...except he didn't fall asleep. BOO!!! Oh well....and when we got in, there were no front row seats, so I took 2nd row isle and moved my chair a bit to get  a good view, typical stage mom LOL!!!! Oh my goodness, this one was so awesome! I guess one of her teachers goes to school in NYC, which is why she knew what she was doing heh. They sang songs and had fun. During the alligator song, Bianca was the only one who got laughs from being funny. She screamed when the "alligator" got her haha. It was AWESOME!!! We love you , Bianca!!!