Happy 18 Months, Cameron!!

Mr. Cameron, how are you 18 months already?!?!?! Time is flying by and soon you will be a big brother. Oh my goodness! He is such a sweet boy. I remember around the end of April you started to say your name...except you think your name is GWENYA for whatever reason, haha! So silly! 

Oh and random Bianca fact before I forget: On mother's day she had her first piece of bubble gum...and then swallowed it LOL.

Enough with Bianca and back to our sweet Cameron! You love mommy and daddy so much. A sweet memory we have of you was our last day at the beach in May. You were standing by the water with me and you held onto my leg and just watched the waves with me. So precious!

You're also really funny. Whenever I pick you up, you start patting my back, like how I pat yours, hahahaha. Thanks, buddy!

So today to celebrate your 18 month birthday, we took you to get your pictures taken...and you hated it. I don't blame you, we got a lady who smelled like smoke, yuck. But we got our shot so yay! Thanks for letting us torture you. 

Bianca had the awesome idea (thanks to Doc McStuffins) to make some star shaped cookies, and we did that on your birthday for you, yummy! You loved your oatmeal cookies!

Then we went to the library and watched a magician perform! Bianca got scared, but you enjoyed it. We looked around in the library a bit before heading home. You had some fun though.

We are so thankful that you are our little boy, Cameron!!!! Never ever forget that! Happy half birthday, bud stud!!!