Are you ready? Here they are. The naked ladies. In our front yard of all places!!!

bahahahaha! Apparently these flowers are called naked ladies?!?! Really?? They're pretty though and look good in our front yard, so I shall not complain about these naked ladies. ;)

The end of July has been good to us. Bobby's been working on setting up his classroom and me and my 2 munchkins have been hanging out. It's been nice to be able to have Bobby home a lot more though. This summer was a killer! Here's what we have been up to!

There's a cool park super close to us that we discovered. We love it!

Here's a silly video of the kids. Don't you just love Cameron's laugh???

Cameron also loves the vents in our house, haha. Bianca loves making messes in our house. And both of them love playing with bubbles. When I am overcome with tiredness of being 8 months pregnant, I sit down and just blow bubbles at them and it keeps them both occupied for a while. Win win in my book.

This video stars Cameron. Whenever I put him down for naps or bedtime, he does this now. Apparently going to bed is hilarious and he feels the need to flip around a bit before sleeping. Makes sense, right? 

In this video, Bianca shows off her performing skills. In a sombrero.

We took the kids to see The Little Mermaid Jr., since it's Cameron's favorite movie and Bianca loves it too. I think they had a lot of fun! Cameron was a bit wiggly during a few parts, but he eventually settled down and liked it. Of course Princess Bianca loved it. She even brought Ariel to see it with it. It was so super cute!! After we got home, we noticed a smell in our house, sorta like gas. With me being pregnant, we called our landlord, even though we hate bothering him since he is just so nice. Apparently it wasn't gas, of course. It was just that the vent in the fireplace was open and we were smelling the air from there. At least now we know?