Happy 5th Birthday Dear BIANCA NOEL!!!!!


I can't believe our baby is 5 already!!! Well she had a very fun birthday! She woke up and got to open up her card, which had the free necklace I got from the Geiko magazine in it. It says "You Are Loved" and it's super cute, just like her. She also got to see her balloons! She was super excited and she hadn't even eaten breakfast yet.

Sarah Flint was nice enough to watch the boys for me so I could bring donuts to class for Bianca. And she was SO excited to have me there! It was fun! Then she got to come home with me after.

We picked up the boys and then went home to wait for Daddy so we could go to Incredible Pizza tonight! Woo hoo!! She also decorated her cupcakes I made for her, since she hasn't had her party yet, and that's usually what I make the big cake for.

Daddy was a bit later than we thought, but we dived right in to presents and went right out to eat and play!!

We had a lot of fun at Incredible Pizza! She got to spin the birthday wheel and got extra tickets to spend. Fun! We ate (even got a gf df pizza for Cam, that he kinda sorta enjoyed) and then got to play!!! We did whatever the birthday Princess wanted to do tonight.

she had fun with this game!

When we spent all of our money on our card and bought stuff with our tickets, we went and ate our cupcakes for dessert (brought gf df banana bread for the boys to enjoy too)

We had so much fun on her birthday!!! Can't believe she is FIVE!!! Where does the time go??

The next day I made her cake and it turned out really well! It was a Tinkerbell cake, so that was fun to make. She wanted chocolate with lemon icing, YUM!!

She had her party the next day on Saturday! Man it was crazy trying to get everyone out of the house to get there a little before 10 so we could set up. I had to hold the cake on my lap and pray it would stay together, haha!

Well we got there like 15 mins before 10 like we wanted...but the door was LOCKED!! Ok, fine, I get it. We're the first party. They'll be here soon, right? WRONG!!! 10 o' clock comes around and still no one!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! Parents are showing up and I have to keep getting out and letting them know that someone will be there soon to open the doors. Yeah, so that was fun, ugh!

They finally come a few mins AFTER 10, and they're not very helpful. Alright. So I bring everything in, and Bobby takes the boys in and sets them up in a spot. His job today is to keep the boys entertained and not breaking all the breakable stuff at this place, haha. He was set up with the tablet and snacks and everything he needed for the next hour and a half. 

Anyway, so her friends start coming in and we're in the big room waiting for something to happen. The kids are wanting to do something because, I mean, they're 4-5 and bored. No one comes in to tell us what to do. I had to go ask them and they said "oh yea. Pick something off of the bottom shelf." Guess I'm hosting this party myself then...so I had to go tell everyone and I started helping everyone, even though I had no clue what I was doing myself. Finally after we've started, the workers come in and "helped." The party FINALLY started then. But sheesh, we paid to have them take care of the party and they were no help at all. Whatever. Bianca was having fun and so were her friends, so that's all that mattered really.

They were all given smocks to wear and were having a blast painting. They were all such good kids! Even our boys were being nice and sitting with Daddy eating snacks and playing on the tablet.

Her friends that came were: Ezekiel (who is LDS too! They go to the Sapulpa ward and knew Haylee!), Sylas, Jolee, Gentry (a good friend to her), Sydney (her bff), Aranza (who is Bianca's other bff), Maycee, Caleb, and Jesus and Joselin (Bobby's students).

She painted a kitty!

Boy table lol

The boys hanging out, haha

More pics of the cake before we cut into it!!

Micah is ready for cake!!!

The last time we saw the workers was when they came in to start the painting. So I was on my own since Bobby had to wrangle the boys. Greeeeaaatt. So we got everyone together and it was time for cake, hooray! Sydney's dad was so nice and helped me to pass out the cake and everything since Bobby couldn't. :)

That's Gentry sitting next to her, and the other girl is Sydney. Sylas is the boy in the pic, Bianca ends up later telling us she thinks he's cute, hehehe!

Micah was having fun haha

Then we opened presents! I was super impressed with Bianca. She was so polite and gracious with all of her gifts, even when she got 2 Frozen dolls she already had. Have I ever mentioned that she's the best little girl ever? :)

These two are so cute! I told her mom that Bianca always talks about Aranza, and she told me the same thing, aww!

With all the chaos of the day, I didn't get any pics of me at the party! So we took one afterward.

And Cameron ate the cake haha. Sneaky little bugger!

Then Bianca had Cooper's party to go to that afternoon. Cooper was supposed to come to Bianca's party, but there was a parade in Jenks, and the roads were closed and they couldn't leave (they live right near the high school/downtown). Bianca had fun at the party though, even though she was the only girl, lol. 

Overall, I think she had an awesome few days celebrating her 5th birthday. She was even able to take the money some of her friends gave her and the gift card from exchanging the Frozen dolls to buy some more cute toys. So yes, she had a blast. Happy 5th our sweet princess!!!