A Children's Nutcracker Featuring Bianca and Erika!!!

Today was so special for me! It was the first time Bianca and I were on stage together performing! I don't know when or if we'll ever have this opportunity again, so we made sure we had tons of fun with it! We spent our morning getting our makeup and hair just right! Bianca was a trooper while I attempted to curl her hair...which actually came out great, so yay me! I even had to wrestle with fake eyelashes, which looked SO SO SO good on, but were SUCH a pain! 

oops! My makeup is a big light on her. Darn her pretty tan skin ;)

When we got to the theatre, we checked in and immediately I had to go off and rehearse with the other party parents onstage while Bianca went into the room with the kiddos. I finally got to rehearse one more time with my partner, who ended up being Ms. Farry (the organizer of all this)'s husband, who always get roped into being in it, hahaha! It was because Bobby wouldn't do it with me, so they were scrambling for another man to put me with. At first they were going to have me dance with one of the maids as like a funny thing, but I don't think she was very comfortable with it, so I was with Jeff, her husband hahah. It was all good though. It was hard to do the box steps though, I don't know if I just suck at box steps, or he did, but yeah. We just faked it and made it work. :)

Then we got to put our dresses on and finish getting ready!!!

I even had a hoop skirt on underneath! I felt super fancy, hahaha!

The adults hung out together before the show, and then we got ready, found our "families," and took our places! I'm going to miss my girls, they were so much fun and so sweet to Bianca. The show went so well! Bobby snuck in some pics, shh! Bianca was AWESOME and such a ham onstage and my dance went well as well! Woohoo! So fun!

Since we were on first, we just got to hang out the rest of the time, score! I mostly hung out with Bianca, so we could spend some time together. We took some silly pics and laughed. She got to play with a few other kids too for a bit, so we had fun! She even saw her friend Evelyn from church there, who was a mouse.

Then we all went onstage and took our bows! It was hilarious though, when the "governess" went onstage to bow with us, her hoop skirt fell off!!! She stole the show, lol! It was so funny!

she's the one in the red and green dress, lol it was so funny!

Daddy bought his girls flowers!

Then we went home to relieve the babysitter. I had like an hour at home before I had to grab some food and turn around and head back for the Sat. night performance. It was fun, but not as fun as the one with my baby girl. :) I would totally do this again, it was a blast!!