Bianca's Christmas Recital + Christmas Concert Fun!

Tonight was Bianca's JDA recital! Before we dive into those adventures though, check out another funny pic of how our 2 oldest have been sleeping. HILARIOUS!

Also, we decided to use Bianca's school pics now as her yearly pics since she's officially in school, which means I didn't get a "Bianca turns 5 photo," so we just took some silly ones. Really, I just wanted to use up pics on the photo card so I could use the new one for her recital, but it was still fun!

The boys got in on the action, lol

I say to him "now raise your arms as high as you can and say BLAST OFF" and he does it! <3

We matched!!!

So cute!!!

Oh goodness, I don't know WHY JDA decided to do it this way, but this year they had just one recital for the entire school. That means everyone crowding into the parking lot of the church at the same time. And everyone cramming into the auditorium area, which is pretty big, but not big enough for this! It worked so well with 2 recitals last year, I wonder what changed. So that was awful. We just had to stand in the back with 2 wiggly boys (luckily Micah doesn't walk yet, so that sorta helped, haha.) So THAT was fun. Luckily she was on pretty early, but what I had to do was take Micah with me and hope he sat there watching while in one hand I was recording it and the other hand taking pics with my phone, hahahaha! Micah did good though! He climbed over to the stage, but he didn't climb the steps or get on the stage, so that was a success! Cam did good for Daddy too. Here's the pics and video of her song! She was awesome as usual :)

lol here comes Micah...

Now that he made it up there, it's over! ;)

Then we visited Santa in the hallway, but Micah was NOT into it. We got a pic anyway, haha! 

Bobby's co-worker, SW, told us about a cool family friendly event at ORU that we decided to check out. It was actually super fun! In the hallways, they had a bunch of games set up for kids to play and they were handing out free popcorn, cookies, and punch. Bianca had a blast!

decorating cones like trees! Cam enjoyed eating it, lol

He LOVED the popcorn, haha

snowball fights!!! so fun!

Well...she tried, lol!

Then we went inside and eventually found some seats to watch the concert. Cameron absolutely had a BLAST!! He loved the music (Christmas carols, of course) and sat so nicely. Micah got a bit bored, so we left before it was over, but it was really neat! Hopefully this will be a Hall family tradition as long as we still live in the Tulsa area :)

His face throughout the concert <3 He was SO into it!