June 18th

We left Fargo early since it was boring (sorry, Fargo) and there seemed to be lots to do in CANADA! 

Indian head signs in ND

We got to the boarder just fine, but there was a mean lady at the gate and told us to pull in and get out and go inside and talk to the people in there, LOL. We are pretty suspicious looking though, especially that Micah boy. ;) It was so lame, so we got EVERYONE out (including sleeping baby, ugh!), just to stand in line for 5 minutes and for them to tell us we were fine to go. Oh well! 

We drove toward the wildlife refuge we decided to go to and stopped at DQ for lunch, which was good. 

Then we went to the Fort Whyte Wildlife Refuge. It was a lot of fun to walk around! Miss Bianca was bored though. Her "legs were hurting her." I tried to make it fun again like in SD, but she wasn't having it. I guess we all have our cranky moments. She had more fun as we went on throughout the trail. It was so calm and pretty. And we got to see buffalo. 


We got to go up this cool tree house!!

cool licence plates, LOL

Then we checked in at the hotel and went out to eat. We went to this coal fired pizza place. It wasn't equipped for kids at all, oops! But they were super nice! The pizza was AMAZING!!!!! Cameron gobbled it up like he hadn't eaten in days, haha! It was the best he's been out to eat on this trip.  Bianca ended up dropping her glass and breaking it, but again, they were really nice about it. Yay Carbone Coal Fired Pizza! 


downtown is cool!

pretending to take a pic of Cameron to get the coal fired pizza in the background ;)

Then we got money so we could exit the silly garage we parked in (since this was all downtown) and went to Assiniboine park...WHICH WAS AMAZING!!! I want a park like that near us. It was seriously the coolest park we've ever been to. They had a huge slide and fun swings and just looked so pretty. You're pretty cool so far, Winnipeg, Manitoba! After that we just went back to the hotel for the night.

Such a cool swing!!!!!!!

even Micah got a chance to ride it!

Cameron and MOMMMMYYYY

Go Bianca!!!

So cool! The shrubbery were playing instruments. So cute!

June 19th *HAPPY 8 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!*

Happy anniversary to us!!! 8 years and I couldn't love anyone more than I do my honey! <3 We were going to go to the state fair today, but it started raining!!! :( :( :( So we hung around the hotel a little bit and tweaked plans. We decided to go to the children's museum. Hey, we did it before on our anniversary, why not again? ;) This one was SUPER cool though! It was kinda small, but it had a lot of fun and interesting things to do. We were so excited! We split up because Cam wanted to go one way and Bianca wanted to go the other way, but all in all, everyone had a blast! 

these kind of parking spaces ROCK!!!

Hi mommy and Bianca!

cautious kids LOL

He LOVED this!!!

Micah got to play in his own little center

reading books and reading the Alphabet on the table

daddy and the older two playing while I fed Mr.Micah

parking place for strollers

waited in line forever to do this...

We ate lunch around there at the Spaghetti Factory, which was good because you meal comes with ICE CREAM!!! YEAH!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY INDEED! We decided to try spumoni and it was pretty good actually! This was also Micah's first time sitting in a high chair in a restaurant, since there was no room for our stroller and we did not have his car seat with us. 

ew, Micah!

We just walked around Forks Market hoping the weather would get a little better. We got some suveneers and went up the tower. Then we ate these cinnimon sugar donuts, and oh man were they GOOD!!! It was the highlight of Cameron's day, LOL. His face just lit up as he got a sugar high, it was hilarious! 

We then decided that the weather would be ok for the fair, so we tried to make it there in time to get the cheaper tickets for only $7.50...AND WE MADE IT WITH ONLY 2 MINUTES TO SPARE!!!! This is with Bobby jumping out of the car before we parked too! haha! Success! It was a typical state fair, but fun, even though it was a bit chilly out for summer time. The kids had fun. We went through an agriculture maze where you had to complete tasks before moving on to the next station. It was cute. Bianca got to ride on a helicopter carnival ride. Then we saw that Elsa was having a sing along. Bianca was SO excited! They even let the kids up on stage. Of course she stole the show by really getting into the songs, haha. Cam loved seeing the performance too! Micah got a little bored though. Guess he's not a Frozen guy. Then I saw they had a MAPLE DONUT BURGER that I just HAD to try, haha. It was good! Couldn't eat the whole thing because it was just too much, but I'm glad I tried it at least! Daddy got fried avocados. Then we watched the Hungry Little Caterpillar show. They read the book and a big caterpillar was on stage. It was cute though and I got some cute pics to use for Micah's 1st birthday party. Then Bianca played a little fair game where you choose a duck. Then she won a toy turtle and gave it to Micah, since he's never had a fair toy sweet!!! Then we just went back to the hotel (it was a good 20ish mins away from the fair) and exchanged anniversary presents and hung out. HAPPY 8 YEARS, MY LOVE! <3<3<3

lol random person helping Bianca go

yellow submarine