Micah- 10 Months!!!!!!!!!!


You spent your 10 month birthday on your first plane ride going to RI for the first time. You kinda liked the plane. You wanted to get down and roll around and do your own thing, so sitting around for hours wasn't too much fun, but once you got to sleep, it was all good. Like I said, you love to roll, and you are the best roller I have ever seen! You can get from one end of the room to the other in seconds! and roll around corners and everything! You still love to "run" while lying down. We're going to be in trouble when you start to walk, because you'll just run! ;) It seems like you're starting to say "hi", or trying to say it back to us! Yay, Micah!! So as of today technically you've been to NC (Charlotte airport) and Connecticut! RI tomorrow! You're getting so big and we love you so much!

PHOTO SHOOT (in the airport!):

We love you Ahbad! Or, Ahdad. Or Dad-dad. ;)