Glasses photo shoot:
The best pic :) HE IS JUST SO HANDSOME!!! <3
Oh Bianca...
Oh Cameron...
He rolled over here by himself!!
Cam has officially graduated to the table to eat full time now!
He wanted to sit at the table too!
Playing with the "baby Cameron"
Look how well Micah sits up now!!!
Love a clean baby! ;)
We actually had fun the next day! Since we have a zoo pass, I decided to take them to the zoo for the day. It has been so hot lately, but it was supposed to be not AS hot today. Well...yeah. It was still hot. We didn't get to see everything, obviously, but It was fun and all 3 kiddos had fun! :)Elephants first! I let Cam out to run around for a bit, and he LOVED it!
Bianca loved seeing the penguins!
We even caught the sea lion show!!
Cam loved the fish!!!
So. Hot.
he fell asleep, yay!
I let older 2 out to play on the playground while I fed Micah some veggies. I was nervous watching the both of them, but it turned out fine! They had a blast playing on the playground!
Here's some cute vids I took today!!
The next day we took out Bianca's kite and flew it! It wasn't that windy out unfortunately, but she discovered that if she runs really fast, it'll fly! And it worked! She had fun! Cam liked watching it fly and Micah...well he was OK at first, then mad when I wouldn't let him roll around off of his blankie.
He loves touching our bushes
Here is documented proof of Cameron eating green beans. He's been a lot pickier lately and won't eat any veggies, and only sometimes green beans. Today he ate them AT THE TABLE! Sometimes he likes to take the can into his room and eat them, and I let that one slide as long as he's getting veggies in his belly. But YAY CAMERON!!!
Eating a little cupcake I got as a special treat today!
Monkey bum!!!
Mastered drinking out of a water bottle...well kinda ;)
Our 2 days before RI were busy, doing laundry and packing. Our friends from the ward brought us a little exersaucer thing for Micah to play in so he might enjoy standing up and possibly walk someday, although he seems very content to spend the rest of his life just rolling around, haha! And I made a little video and pics for an LDS video I auditioned for which I won't get since I don't live in NY anymore. :( But I did it anyway! Maybe someday...:)
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