From Chicago...Our 3rd Babymoon!

May 25, 2014

We were off to Chicago today! We were flying out of OKC anyways, so we met Bobby's parents there and gave them our little ones. As usual, I was so sad to see them go, especially since this is my first time at least not being in the same building as Cameron, hoping they would have a nice time with their grandparents.

  We headed off to the airport next. And man, we love our kids soooo much, but it is so nice not to travel with them hahaha. I got to catch up on my gossip magazines (LOL) and actually talk with Bobby. It was really really nice and really really needed. :)

The flight was just fine and we got to Chicago just fine! :) We ate at a Potbelly's when we got to the airport since it was late and we were hungry, yum!!! Then we went to the subway and walked to our hotel. It was a bit scary walking around at nighttime, but it was normal for a big city, like walking around DC at night. We stopped at a convenience store to grab some breakfast for the morning, since we've learned that being pregnant and walking around in the heat without something nutritious in you will lead to me passing out. We eventually got to the hotel and had a good night rest for our next 2 big days of fun!

May 26, 2014

We woke up to our freshly squeezed orange juice we got for being members of the hotel's club, which was excellent! It was nice just getting ourselves ready, more relaxing that's for sure.  We ate our breakfast and headed out for the day. We just walked around at first. Chicago is really pretty!!

 We ended up walking the wrong way down the street trying to get to The Bean, but it was nice out and it was a nice walk. We eventually made it to The Bean, which was neat to see, We took a bunch of pics, of course. 

After The Bean, we saw there was a Garrett's Popcorn near the subway we were going to take, so we figured we'd try to get some (we heard lines could be crazy for it). It was great because there was no line! It was soooo good!!! We got the mix of caramel and cheddar cheese popcorn. Bobby liked the caramel the best and surprisingly I prefered the cheese! Best popcorn ever! We sat on the sidewalk and ate it to waste time before the White Sox game.

We went back to the hotel to drop the popcorn off since it was way too much to eat (even though we got a small!). Then at last, we were off to the baseball game!!

We got to the game a little after it started, yay! The view was so pretty! The only thing that sucked was that we obviously got cheap seats, and you had to walk all the way up this inclined ramp to get there. Man were my preggo feet tired! But it was a lot of fun, and our seats were actually in the shade, which was awesome! We got our lunch there, ballpark food is super nutritious as you know lol, and watched the game! We left before it ended to get rid of the crowds, but yes, the White Sox did end up winning, hooray! But what was dumb was that once you left, you couldn't re-enter. Fine. Understandable. But why can't you go into the huge gift shop after you leave?!?!?! We wanted to grab some souveneers for the kids, but they wouldn't let us in to shop. They're losing a lot of money one that. Ugh! We found a truck that sold some things the kids would like, luckily. We got Cam a baseball and Bianca a stuffed animal. Other than that, it was a very positive experience!!

We walked back to the subway, my feet killing me by now, and decided to try to find this ice cream place, iCream. We found it after a little bit, and it was fabulous. I saw the place on Food Network, and you pick the base and flavors and they use dry ice to freeze it for you. YUMMMMMMMMM!!! I feel like if we lived in Chicago, we'd get really fat and be really broke with all of this yummy and tempting food around...and we haven't even tried the pizza yet!!!

We got to talk to our little ones then. You can tell Cameron missed us. Bianca...well she was getting all of the attention in the world, so she didn't miss us at all LOL! We needed real food at that point, so we just stopped at a Jimmy John's to split a veggie sandwich, just to put something healthy in my belly for baby Micah. Bleh. So exciting, huh? ;) Then we went into a cool looking Walgreens for some headache meds and an umbrella.

Next on the agenda was an improv show at Second City, where like all of the SNL people started! I was so excited, I've always wanted to go. At first we were afraid it was going to be too raunchy, but it ended up being pretty funny! They did one skit where they did the scene in this decade, and did it again in a couple of other decades, and they chose the 90's for one! It was so funny! I sneaked a pic of the stage once hehe. I'm glad we were able to go! It was nice going to a show again.

We just went back to the hotel after this and slept.

May 27, 2014

Today was our last day in Chi-town, boo! As we get more and more kids, seems like the babymoons get shorter and shorter lol. This was the morning of the deep dish pizza! We went to the restaurant right when it opened, since it took a good 20-30 mins for the pizza to cook. It. Was. Worth. The. Wait. And. More. AHHHH! It was the best pizza. Wish we went here yesterday too! Bobby got the cheese and I got the one with the meat in it. So! GOOD!!!

And yes, we ate it all haha. We worked it off by walking to the Sear's tower next (well now it's called the Willis Tower). It was fun, typical tower. We waited in line to get my pic in the glass ledge. People took FOREVER! It's like...get your pic and go. You don't need 10,000 pics, seriously! I got in, 2 pics, and done in less than a minute. Seriously people. haha that's prob my pregnancy hormones talking there. Here's our typical tower pics!!!

After the tower, we went on a grand adventure. We took a bus to go to Eli's Cheesecake! It wasn't hard or bad to take the bus. It was actually pretty clean. And it wasn't a long walk to get there from the bus stop, which was excellent for my aching preggo feet. It was worth the adventure because it was sooooo good! So good that we each got a second piece to take with us to eat later hahaha. Chicago has turned us into fatties, but it's worth it. You only get to have a 3rd babymoon once, right? ;)

We decided to walk around the pier a bit next. It was starting to be super foggy and kinda crappy out, so we just walked around and explored that area, which was nice. We ate at a food court in that area. Bobby got more pizza (fast food-ish deep dish, but still considered deep dish) and I was feeling sick and gross from all the junk we were eating, so I just got a salad. Silly pregnancy stuffs. But it felt good to get SOME veggies in at least. We stayed there until it was almost time to go see THE BLUE MAN GROUP!!!

I'm really glad we didn't have the kids with us, because it was AWFUL outside!!! We bussed and subwayed to the theater for the Blue Man Group, went in, and waited. It was so cool looking inside.

Once we sat down, a stagehand came up to us and wanted to know if we wanted to be a part of the show, and get a $10 gift certificate for the merch table plus get better seats. Of course we said YES! But they didn't tell us what we were going to be doing...hmm. We sat in the way back with her for the first 5-10 mins of the show and then she led us out and told us just to follow her. We were led back into the theater and this song came on that was like "LATE! LATE! YOU'RE LATE!" hahaha! We were playing a couple coming into the show late LOL! She ushered us to our new seats, and the Blue Men shook their heads at us hahahahaha. It was awesome! We were behind a bunch of school kids, but it was still a blast! What an awesome show! So fun! Would def go again, and we promise not to be late next time. ;) We got a magnet for free with our coupon for participating. Score! We just subwayed back to the hotel and went right to sleep, exhausted and happy! We <3 Chicago!!!!!

May 28, 2014

We were going home today, booooooo! It was so nice to get away with my honey though. <3 We had an early-ish flight so we had to get up kinda early, but it's all good. We had our morning juice and headed out.

Chicago is def better than NYC and maybe even DC. Or at least on par with DC. Loved it! We got back early, ate lunch at Chili's, and headed to Altus to get the kids. Bobby's mom took them shopping so they came back with new sandels  and clothes. We stayed at another stupid hotel that night since our furniture...WAS NOT COMING UNTIL THE MONDAY/TUESDAY AFTER BOBBY STARTS WORK...WHAT THE HELL!!!!! BAHHHH!!! Liars. "You guys will get your stuff first" my butt. Ugh. Never using their moving company again that's for sure. >:( But we were happy to see the kids and they were glad to see us too. We missed the little buggers. 

What a lovely babymoon! Thanks for coming, baby Micah, so that we could have that wonderful time alone together in the wonderful city of Chicago! <3