Mother's Day 2014!

What a lovely Mother's Day I had this year! I can't believe that next year, there will be 3 (!!!) little ones wishing me a happy mother's day! Crazyness. This year was very easy going. The kids made me a cute poster that's totally awesome! They tore pieces of bright colored paper, glued it on paper, and put a couple of pic of them and me on it (Micah was on there too, aw!)...all with Daddy's help, of course. We went to church, Bianca made me a cute card in Sunbeams class, and then we went to eat at Flaming Amy's bowl, cause mommies aren't supposed to cook on Mother's Day, right? ;) Oh my it was yummy, but sadly my expanding tummy couldn't fit too much food. It was still good though!!

Maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones, but I am just so dang thankful for our little ones. I am so thankful for Bianca and how smart she is and I love seeing her love for life through her dancing and singing. I am so thankful for Cameron and his very sweet spirit and how curious he is to explore this beautiful world. And I am so thankful for a healthy baby Micah growing inside of me. And most of all, I am thankful for Bobby, because without him, none of this could have been possible LOL!!! <3 We tried to take some cute pics, and this is what happened:

 So much love for this sweet family of mine. Thank you for a lovely day <3