Living It Up In The ILM

THIS IS GOING ALL TOO FAST!!! How are we moving so soon? We are so sad. :( Here is what we've been up to lately.

I love Cameron's morning routine. He wakes up, gets changed, eats hid banana, and then it's SNUGGLE TIME WITH MOMMY!!! I love this sweet little boy. Makes me excited for our new little boy coming soon. :)

Bianca and her awesome sense of fashion.

Bobby and some of his B&GC kids. They're so sad Mr. Bobby is leaving.

 I showed Bianca "Alice and Wonderland" on TV, and this was her priceless reaction LOL

 Weekends for us now consist of going to the beach and the park, really soaking it all in before we leave the east coast. Here's a silly Bianca quote for you.

Bianca: Mommy, can we get a special treat?
Me: No sweetie, they don't have special treats at Wrightsville beach. They're at the other beach.
Bianca: Oh yeah, that's right! They don't have special treats at Wrightsville beach, they have them at Leftsville beach!

 Cameron learned another new trick. He can climb into sissy's chair and sit!

I'm going to miss seeing these filming signs everywhere (and following them to paid acting gigs)

It was really hot the other day, so we went off to Lewis Farms to try their ice cream, which is supposedly the best ever around here. And I am kicking myself for not coming here before. It is AMAZING!!! Cameron tried it too and LOVED it! He couldn't get enough of it haha. Baby's first ice cream!

Saturday was our last big church event here. It was a talent show and silent auction for treats! I was SO determined to win a treat and we finally did!! It was Pam's yummy treat and I was so happy . Her grandmother thought she won it, so she walked up and tried to grab it, but someone said that she was out bid....oops! :) It was fun though. The young women served a spaghetti dinner and the talent show was nice. They had all the little ones go up altogether to sing "Let It Go", but Bianca ended up being in the back so we couldn't see her act it out at all, boo! Whatever happened to letting the littlest ones in the front. Oh well, Bianca isn't one to push anyone, and that's a good trait to have, so I am happy with that.

Next stop on our Last Of NC adventures: OBX!!!