Here's her last big Tuesday gymnastics class. :(
Taking the sports class as a make up! Kayson was supposed to be there, but he was sick. :(
The last week we were there was parent involvement week, which means the parents could go in with the kiddos and watch them do their thing! Cameron got to go in too. This is from when Daddy took them to class!!!
Isn't he cute? Here's his OKC ID card pic I took of him!
Our last Saturday in Wilmington was a SUPER busy one! We had her last gymnastics class in the morning (we already had her last dance class, where her friend she made in there was sad to see her go. They were getting along so well too, sad!). Bianca has come so far though and has gotten so brave and is able to try new things with ease now, all in just a few months.
Bianca got a trophy AND certificates for her 2 classes! She was so excited. I cannot say enough with how much we loved the Little Gym here. We're going to miss Mr. Brandyn, Miss Freddie, and Miss Hilary!
Next on our list on this super busy Saturday was going to take a tour of the Screen Gem studios here in Wilmington (finally). It was really neat actually. Our kids weren't so thrilled with waiting in lines and all the talking, but they weren't horrible either. They were just being typical 3 and 1 year olds, and some snobby lady just did not get that and kept giving us the evil eye. Well this Mama Bear gave it right back to her! :-P
Then it was BEACH TIME!!! YEAH!!! Oh my, will I miss living so close to the beach! It's our favorite thing to do. What is there to do that's so much fun and free in OK???We hung out on the beach until we got bored. My favorite memory was just standing at the water's edge holding Cameron's hand. He loves the beach and water so much, and just the 2 of us standing there, looking at the beautiful ocean was just such a calm and beautiful mommy and son moment. <3 After we were done beaching it up, we went and got our last bites of Britt's donuts, and it was amazing.
2 days left in Wilmington. Please excuse me while I cry in the corner now.
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